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Brentwood Divorce Attorneys > Brentwood Complex Divorce Attorney

Brentwood Complex Divorce Attorneys

What makes one divorce more “complex” than another? High-asset divorce cases certainly add a level of complexity when it comes to dividing marital property or deciding on alimony while conducting property appraisals and business valuations and locating offshore assets. But divorces can become especially complicated for other reasons as well. These include contentious child custody disputes, challenges to the validity or enforceability of prenuptial agreements, parties who are less than honest or outright deceitful, or a high level of animosity toward the other party, which is a not uncommon feature of many divorce cases.

Some family law firms try to avoid divorce cases that look like they will involve contention and stress or a high volume of litigation. Others live for fights like those but might not have the experience or disposition to deal with complex legal and factual issues that require extensive diligence and research. At Beal | Crutcher, you’ll find a team of experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated family law attorneys ready to handle the most complex cases with a high degree of competence and professionalism. Our lawyers include former judges, magistrates, assistant district attorneys, county commissioners, and family law mediators who are no strangers to conflict and know how to resolve it. You can count on us to look out for your interests and work to resolve the issues in your divorce efficiently and effectively.

Help in Complex, High-Asset Divorce

A marriage is dissolved through a final judgment or decree that is just that, final. While some issues such as child custody or support can later be modified if circumstances change substantially, once the division of marital property is finally decided, it can’t later be changed. Our Brentwood divorce lawyers put in the hard work on the front end to make sure all assets are located, properly characterized as marital or separate, and accurately valued. This includes even the most complex forms of property, such as stocks, bonds, investments, real estate holdings, pensions and retirement accounts, and business valuations including intangible business interests like goodwill. We work to see that the property division is done right in a way that is fair and equitable and protects your rights and your interests in the property that is most valuable and important to you.

Help With Complex, High-Conflict Divorce

Personal disputes between spouses that don’t have anything to do with money can also raise the stakes in a divorce and make it harder to resolve without extra effort, including intense negotiations or mediation, and sometimes protracted litigation. Some disputes are heated because the parties have so much invested in the issue, such as whether custody will be shared and how. In other situations, hurt feelings and anger might make one party more interested in scoring points or “winning” the divorce than actually resolving contested matters in a practical manner. Once again, our team’s experience and expertise in resolving conflict inside and outside the courtroom can help find solutions to the most intractable problems while dealing with the emotional realities of a marriage breakup.

Capable, Experienced Attorneys Here for Your Complex Brentwood Divorce

Not all divorces can be resolved quickly or easily, whether due to complex legal issues, high-value or exotic assets, or personality conflicts. A skilled and experienced divorce lawyer can help you get through this process and come out the other side by managing the process and personalities involved while protecting your rights and interests in all divorce-related matters, including child custody, alimony, and the division of marital property. For help with a high-asset or high-conflict complex divorce situation in Brentwood, call the family law attorneys of Beal | Crutcher at 615-861-2304 for practical legal advice and professional representation.

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