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Brentwood Divorce Attorneys > Franklin Paternity Attorney

Franklin Paternity Attorney

When it comes to parenthood, a woman always knows if she is a child’s mother. A man? Not so much. Unless the man is married or otherwise in a committed relationship with a woman who ends up pregnant, he can’t know for sure if he is the father unless he takes a paternity test. If she cheated on him, then it’s possible that multiple men could potentially be the child’s father.

A child does not legally have a father if the mother is not married when the child is born. Therefore, establishing paternity is important. In Tennessee, parents can legally establish paternity until the child is 21 years old. However, it is in the best interest of the child to establish paternity as soon as possible, such as not long after the child is born.

A paternity test is a DNA test that determines whether or not a man is the father of a child. Half a person’s DNA is inherited from the mother, while the other half is from the father. Therefore, by comparing the DNA sequences, a person can identify parentage.

Paternity tests involve collection of DNA samples from both the child and the man who is the potential father. DNA samples are often collected from the blood or a cheek swab. The DNA is then fragmented, with the fragments run on a gel that separates them by size. A banding pattern is created and compared to both the child and potential father to determine paternity.  Contact our Franklin paternity attorneys for help with any issues regarding your child and paternity.

Establishing Paternity in Tennessee

Establishing paternity is important in Tennessee because it informs a child who their legal father is. It is crucial that both the mother and father share in the responsibilities involved in the care of their child. When parents work together and have the child’s best interests in mind, their child has a chance at success. The Department of Human Services and the local child support office can help parents establish paternity.

DNA testing can be scheduled. The DNA lab will share positive DNA test results with the local child support office. Then the court will establish paternity, which will then lead to child support and custody orders.

Another way to establish paternity is by opening a case with the local child support office. The office can then file all the necessary paperwork to get a court order as well as DNA testing, if required. If the father is known, the parents can also complete the Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (VAoP) form and have it notarized.

Contact Us Today

If you think you may be the father of the child, or you are a mother who is trying to determine who is the father of your child, you’ll want to get a paternity test. Establishing paternity is important for the child. Plus, it can determine child support and custody.

The law firm of Beal | Crutcher can help you understand Tennessee paternity laws. Have questions or concerns? Contact us at (615) 861-2304 to schedule a consultation today.

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