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Three Steps to Take Once Your Divorce is Finalized


The divorce process is often a long one and once it is over, you may feel relieved that you can put the whole thing behind you. Unfortunately, even once the legal case has been closed, you may still have some steps you need to take. These steps must be taken quickly, so you can finally move forward with your new life. Below, one of our Brentwood divorce attorneys explains more.

Create a Budget 

Your household finances will look drastically different after your divorce. You will have gone from two incomes to one and you may have additional expenses such as child support or alimony. On the other hand, you may have been awarded child or spousal support during the divorce process. You may have also lost valuable assets during the divorce process.

Regardless of what you lost or were awarded during the divorce, you have to create a budget. A budget will help you identify the income you have coming in, as well as the expenses you have to pay so you can live affordably.

Finalize Living Arrangements 

Moving out of the family home while a divorce case is ongoing can be very detrimental. This is especially true if you have children or if you have any interest in keeping the home post-divorce. If you are not awarded the family home during divorce, you may have to find alternative living arrangements. You should determine whether you want to rent or buy a home, and how much you can afford to pay for it.

Even if you were awarded the family home during divorce, you may still have to make arrangements. Perhaps your former spouse still has belongings in the home. You may have to make arrangements for them to come and pick them up. Additionally, if you are fearful of your former spouse, you may also have to change the locks on the home.

Close Joint Accounts 

Sometimes, a court will freeze joint credit card and bank accounts and even other marital assets during the divorce process. They do this so neither you or your spouse can move or destroy these items. Although this step may provide some protection, it can also make it impossible to close your joint accounts. If you are still named on an account, the financial institution can try to collect debt from you. Make a copy of your divorce decree and send it to the bank or credit card company when you ask that they handle the account as ordered by the court.

Our Divorce Attorneys in Brentwood Can Protect Your Future 

During the divorce process, you need to ensure you are working with a Brentwood divorce attorney who will protect your rights. At Beal | Crutcher, we will protect your best interests at all times throughout your case, and provide the sound legal advice that will protect you in the coming weeks and months. If you are getting a divorce, call us now at 615-861-2304 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help.



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